** Updated for 2021 **
Trying to find the perfect camping mattress is hard work and comparing different mats is a bit of a minefield. Here is a list of some of the popular mats on the market in 2019 and some stats to help you compare the different mats. If you want a mat adding to the list add a comment at the bottom of the page and I will add it to the the list!
See the information below the table for explanations of what the stats mean.
Table Headings
R Val – What do R-Values mean?
The measure of how well the mat insulated the user against the floor. This is the US data for R Values. The chart below will give you an estimated minimum comfortable temperature for an average adult male.

WPW – Warmth per Weight(Higher the better)
How much insulation you are getting versus the amount of weight you have to carry.
WPC – Warmth per Cost (Higher is better)
How much warmth you are getting versus the cost of the mat at the time of cost.
LPC – Lightness per Cost (Higher is better)
How light the mat is versus the cost of the mat at time of publishing. Useful is you are trying to go ultralight on a budget.
Calculations Info
Here’s how I calculated the ratings. I just made these metrics up , using the multipliers to give sensible values to compare.
WPW = (R Value / Grams) x 1000
WPC = (R Value / Price ) x 100
LPC = 1 / (Grams * Cost) * 100000