Towards the end of the summer holidays we travelled up to Chiang Mai in search of some more active adventures. Given that it was the middle of rainy season we figured that kayaking would be great fun so we booked a 2 day trip.
Cindy and Liz had never done kayaking before so we opted for the 2 day river Pai adventure, as it was mostly flat but fast moving water with a few class 1/2 rapids thrown in.
The route started north of Chaing Mai, on the way to Chiang Dow, and meandered its was down through the valley all the way back towards the Chiang Mai.
We kayaked pretty much the whole way back (55kms+ in total), stopping overnight at a local campsite near the river.
The only major obstacle on route was the weir, which was far too dangerous for us to attempt to run, so we got out above the weir and this was the end of the first day. We camped the first night next to the River Taeng, as tributary of the Pai and launched directly into the river from the campsite next morning.
The trip was run by Chiang Mai Mountain Biking and Kayaking